Tag: reflection

Tag: reflection

πŸ’Ž #24: Exposure starts at home

Summers are for rest, relaxation, family time, and cool trips. Now as summer 2022 comes to a close, I have spent the last couple months reflecting and I’m beyond grateful for the opportunity to be able to walk in purpose, and impact others every single day, all while having fun, traveling the world, and creating

πŸ’Ž #11: Expect to Win

The other day at practice, one of the players was being challenged to a series of complicated set ups and after he completed the drill (and exceeded the expectations of his coach, I might add), I overheard him confidently say, “I know how to make shots.” His tone…his matter-of-factness displayed a different level of confidence.

πŸ’Ž #8: Your pace is perfect

I’m in a rush for nothing, because what is for me, is FOR ME. – Dr. LCJ 🚨This is a reflection post🚨 A bit over a year ago, I walked into my [then] boss’ office for our weekly meeting and as we were ending our time together, I boldly proclaimed that it would be the